Adjusting to life in Japan
We are conducting orientations and personal interviews to help with students adjusting to the Japanese system. Help offered covers gaining health insurance memberships, opening a bank account, setting up a phone contract, registering for foreigner identification at the Japanese District Office, etc.
We offer our staffs as chaperones for students who wish to visit the local hospital. Health services offered in the vicinity of the school range from primary care for internal medicine, dermatology, surgery, dentistry, and ophthalmology, as well as secondary or tertiary care hospitals.
Diverse extracurricular activities
We support student experience of the Japanese culture, in order to promote international exchange. You will be able to make fond memories of studying in Japan through various extracurricular activities offered every semester. For more information, please refer to the school’s event calendar.
Networking with Keio Univ Students
KISE is a student group at Keio University networking with our students once a month. By participating in various events such as Asakura, Kamakura, binannual MTs, Christmas parties (sponsored by Tokyo Galaxy), and Sports Days, we provide opportunities for students to network amongst themselves. These events also provide occasions for students to practice Japanese as well as to share their thoughts and ideas on the Japanese society and culture. Our aim is to allow students to experience Japan, broaden their international awareness, and create lasting networks.
Careers and Part-time Jobs
Tokyo Galaxy students are provided with career counseling and information on career selection. For students enrolled in the Business Japenense module, they are given instructions on how to search for job information, complete their curricula vitaes, and prepare for interviews. In addition, the school’s bulletin board provides information related to part-time jobs.