We asked Mr. K, a Tokyo Galaxy student, who has passed the entrance exam for the Department of Mechanical Engineering Informatics at the School of Science and Technology of Meiji University, about how he had studied in Japan.
In our interview, he repeatedly said that studying with diligence was really important. Here are some stories about his efforts which led him to passing the exam for entering Meiji University.
– Please tell us your reason for choosing Meiji University.
I liked the way of the university’s supporting its students with their job hunting, and its Department of Mechanical Engineering Informatics had the best environment to learn about the field I have always wanted to study deeply.
– We heard that your EJU score in November improved significantly compared with your score in June. How did you do that?
I just studied steadily every day and that led to a higher score.
– Tell us about the classes that were especially helpful for you.
Interview practice: I was able to make up for what I was missing through examining the contents of my statement of purpose and practicing mock interviews.
EJU preparation: I could get used to the pattern of the test questions
Essay writing (basic and practice class): It was useful for preparing for essay tests and EJU.
– What made you to decide to enroll in Tokyo Galaxy Japanese Language School?
An acquaintance of mine told me about Tokyo Galaxy, and when I investigated about the school, I found that many of the students are appreciating their teachers’ kindness and the systematic ways of teaching, so I thought I could trust them. Tokyo Galaxy has the Special Preparatory Class for College Admission, and I thought that it would help me a lot to study there in order to prepare for university entrance exams in Japan.
– Would you tell us about your teachers you are especially thankful to?
Ms. Kaiho: She was my homeroom teacher, and I am really grateful for her help; she always encouraged me and cared about me a lot.
Mr. Kumazaki: His lessons were fun and his explanations were easy to understand.
Ms. Michiki: At her interview practice class, she kindly gave me the details necessary for the university entrance examination.
Ms. Higuchi: She was my entrance exam trainer, and she made me see what I was missing so that I was able to make up for it. I’m thankful for her help, pointing out what I didn’t notice.
– We think you have experienced difficulties while preparing for the exam. How did you overcome it?
Sometimes I felt loneliness, living away from my family in a foreign country. But I always tried to cope with it by recalling the reason I decided to study in Japan. I also did workout regularly to get rid of stress.
– How is your life in Japan right now?
When I came to Japan, I was afraid to walk around because I couldn’t understand Japanese and I was hesitant to go into stores, but now I’m enjoying my life in Japan, feeling relaxed. I don’t think it’s difficult anymore to go to a restaurant and order using a Japanese menu. Since I have been studying for the entrance exam, there are many things that I haven’t been able to try, so I’d like to experience a lot more in the future.
– Please give some advice to your juniors preparing for university entrance exams in Japan.
I think it is important to study with diligence. You should carry on at your own pace, without worrying about other people, and remain unshaken. I also recommend to participate in the open campus events held by Japanese universities.
– What would you like to tell your juniors about Tokyo Galaxy Japanese Language School?
Tokyo Galaxy’s EJU preparation classes offer extensive support, and its other classes are also conducted well and systematically. There are many good teachers, and you will have classmates working on preparations for college entrance exams just like you, so you will be inspired and encouraged by studying together with your friends.
– What are your goals with your life at university?
I’m going to live for a time in Japan, so I want to keep my grades as good as possible and get a scholarship.
We would like to thank Mr. K for telling us in details about his preparations for university entrance exam in Japan.
Mr. K, who has studied at Tokyo Galaxy’s Regular Class and the Special Preparatory Class for College Admission, was always working on the daily assignments and the kanji tests very seriously. He was also managing his time outside class hours very effectively.
If you are aiming for prestigious universities in Japan, such as Meiji University, we recommend to take a look at Mr. K’s story and draw on his experience.
Congratulations on passing the entrance exam for Meiji University, Mr.K!